Tag Archives: Trump

Trump’s Accomplishments, So Far…

How many times have you heard that Trump is ruining the country? Or that Trump has done nothing to help the average American and only helped his billionaire cronies? Well, let’s take a look back at his administration and see what kind of accomplishments he can take credit for.

Trump finalized deals with many countries including the EU, South Korea, Canada/Mexico, China, Vietnam, as well as ending disastrous deals such as TPP and the harmful Paris Accords.

Poverty levels have dropped to a 17-year low lifting millions of Americans into a better life. You would wonder which party says they care and which party actually helps the poor. Those helped the most are minorities as blacks and Hispanics have seen record low poverty under the Trump administration.

As of Feb 2020, 7 million jobs have been created and the average wage for the lowest 25% workers pay has increased higher and faster than the top workers of this country. Unemployment has reached a level not seen in many decades and for black, Hispanics, women, and the most vulnerable Americans, the unemployment rate has reached record lows.

Funding for HBCU’s has doubled, money for Indian reservation recovery has grown, money for national parks and the improved land management has grown to help stop the huge fires in CA, OR, and WA.

In 2018, the First Steps Act that Trump signed has reversed many decades of federal programs that have harmed minorities. It helps inmates return to society easier, addresses inequalities in sentencing that many organizations have claimed to harm blacks, expanded judicial discretion in the sentencing of nonviolent crimes. 90% of those who benefited from this law were black Americans.

In late 2019, new single-family home sales were up 31% from 2018. Home ownership reached record levels for minorities. Consumer confidence, business confidence and small business confidence all reach levels not seen in a few decades. The stock market has hit new record highs helping retirees and the middle class families that use the stock market to help with their income.

After several Presidential promises through the decades, Trump officially made Jerusalem the recognized capital of Israel and moved the embassy there. President Trump with the help of Jared Kushner formalized a peace treaty for Israel and UAE and Bahrain known as the Abraham Accord. They also facilitated an agreement with Serbia and Kosovo ending a 20-year conflict.

It seems that many promises were made in his election bid in 2016 that all have come true. Many things that were forecasted in 2016 either were better that promised, or were a huge positive when the forecast was negative. For example, there were several prominent economists that said the stock market will crash if Trump gets elected. Well, we saw how that turned out. There were those who said the Middle East will erupt in a huge war if he moves the embassy to Jerusalem. Again, we saw how that turned out.