12 Key Points that Prove a Globe Earth

I have been debunking a grand list of conspiracies over the years, but one that still lingers lately is the idea that 7.4B people live on a flat and still earth with the sun, moon, and planets all circling above us on some sort of dome. Anybody that has passed 9th grade science knows this is impossible, but it seems not everybody was awake as they took that class.

12 Points

I have developed 12 points that independently and solely end the Flat Earth story. Just to clarify, its just a story as it has not come close to being a theory. So, in no particular order:

  1. Sunsets — According to a few common versions of Flat Earth, they make the claim that the sun is between 3,000-5,000 miles up. This would mean that sunsets are impossible. Explain how we see a sunset.
  2. Phases of the moon — Explain how this is possible on a flat earth using ANY FE model you wish.
  3. Eclipses — Explain how both lunar and solar eclipses are possible on a flat earth.
  4. Southern Hemisphere Flights — Qantas and LATAM both have flights that fly non-stop between Australia and Chile. The flights take between 14-15 hours. How is that possible on a flat earth?
  5. Seasons — Explain how seasons are possible on a flat earth
  6. Sigma Octanis — Explain how every person in the southern hemisphere can see this star, but not in the northern hemisphere.
  7. Polaris — Explain how nobody in the southern hemisphere can see this star, ever.
  8. Eratosthenes — Explain how he couldn’t have known the diameter of the globe 2,300 years ago.
  9. Al-Biruni — Explain how he couldn’t measure the curve of the earth 1,000 years ago.
  10. Coriolis — Explain how hurricanes, typhoons, and Foucault’s pendulum are affected by the Coriolis Effect
  11. The Blue Marble — Explain how a 1972 photo of our globe is not genuine proof.
  12. Satellites/ISS — How are satellites possible?

Hasty Generalization Fallacies

As a standard response to typical questions to the Flat Earth story, there are a list of hasty generalizations. Most of these are a quick way to deflect the question and to avoid answering the point. The biggest problem these fallacies present are an unsupported claim added to the debate and are used as a method of burden shifting which is another fallacy Flat Earth folks use.

  1. Gravity doesn’t exist or is not a force.
  2. All NASA photos are CGI.
  3. NASA lies and cannot be trusted.
  4. Space doesn’t exist.
  5. High pressure requires a container.
  6. The earth’s curve is 1.22*sq rt (height of viewer), so anything seen after that is impossible.
  7. Refraction isn’t real.
  8. Appeal to ignorance fallacy.


The challenge is to explain one or all of these 12 points. The rules are if you choose to use a hasty generalization, you are then required to prove both the point AND the generalization you used. I am available on Twitter @IEAffiliate if you wish to discuss.

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